BirdCare Aotearoa wild bird hospital for native birds is a charitable organisation and Department of Conservation permitted wildlife rehabilitation centre. With a highly professional and experienced team, we offer a holistic service with a breadth of care unlike any other avian hospital and rehabilitation centre in Aotearoa. Our staff are highly regarded and we are known for being at the forefront of bird care and rehabilitation.
As professional wildlife rehabilitators, we follow the guidelines of the Department of Conservation and the Wildlife Rehabilitators Network of New Zealand (WReNNZ).
The BCA team is led by General Manager Carl Ashworth, who has extensive zoological experience working with birds for over 20 years in the UK and NZ, including leading the bird team at Auckland Zoo. Dr Lynn Miller, GM from 2019-2023 continues to provide guidance and support to the clinical team as our Clinical and Training Advisor, and BirdCare Aotearoa is affiliated with her new training organisation WildWays. Dr Lynn Miller is currently the only wildlife rehabilitator in Aotearoa to hold the Certified Wildlife Rehabilitator (CWR) qualification, issued by the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council (IWRC) and the National Wildlife Rehabilitation Association (NWRA). We follow the Code of Professional Ethics, established by the IWRC and NWRA and practiced by all Certified Wildlife Rehabilitators (CWR) as a condition of their unique qualification. The clinical team are also supported by supervising vet Berend Westera, who has provided guidance and advice for many years.
Collaboration is central to our work. We are a member of WReNNZ and we work closely with individuals and organisations, nationally and internationally, to ensure we use the depth of expertise and knowledge available. We share our knowledge in a variety of ways, including by providing technical, research, and educational support to frontline responders, other rehabilitation facilities, veterinarians, academic institutions, and communities throughout Aotearoa and globally.